Monday, July 19, 2010


As Pokemon season 1 neared its end, Digimon shows up on television. At first I laughed at it saying, "It's like a rip-off of Pokemon." But then I gave it a try and found out it was not so. This was now probably 5th-6th grade. XD

The only things I can see CLEARLY as a rip-off would be fighting monsters and the "-mon" at the end of each of their titles. Digital Monsters and Pocket Monsters. Other than that - I don't think people should complain. Seriously.

I was seriously into Digimon for the First 2 seasons and slowly drifted away after the 3rd season. The characters for the first season were really fresh and new to me. Always remembering my favorite character from that season was Matt - the good looking blond haired boy with the green shirt. Also known as T.K.'s big brother~

In the second season - I really loved the guy that everyone hated: Ken. The feminine looking boy with issues and was the "evil ruler" of the digital world. And also destroyed his digimon at some point. *sad episode*

I think I really liked this anime when they released "Digimon: The Movie." It was just soo good. I don't exactly remember what happened but it was a mix between season 1 and season 2 characters. And the couple pairings were also revealed <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">As for cosplay, I actually thought about it last year. I would like to pull of Kari~ She actually had some spunk and was not totally useless. Although, I'm not a big fan of her hair style. I recently did a cosplay (Eureka from Eureka 7) with that type of hairstyle and it was... extremely unflattering. >.<||| So... I think I'll put digimon cosplay thoughts on halt. XD

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